Gratitude training to students: A new approach to education
Pages: 495-497
Mustafa Nadeem Kirmani and Mohammed Anus (Department of Psychology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh)
The education system in India primarily focuses on teaching students just academic and literacy aspects of life. Increasing knowledge base is the core goal of education in Indian schools and colleges. The purpose of education has been to acquaint students with basic knowledge of languages, social and basic sciences, and mathematics. Spiritual and religious base value education has been ignored in the contemporary education system. Educationists and psychologists have realized that the education in schools and colleges need to be broadened and should include teaching and training the positive behavioral skills which are adaptive for everyday living. The World Health Organization has also emphasized on teaching school and college students the basic skills of life known as life skills. Emergence of positive psychology has also shifted the focus of education toward teaching and training in positive psychological states like happiness, gratitude, forgiveness and spirituality. This is often known as positive schooling. Gratitude and forgiveness are also the values cherished by the major religions of the world like Islam, Hinduism, and Christianity. Research has shown that gratitude and forgiveness in people are associated with well-being and happiness. The current paper will focus on interventions which will increase gratitude in school and college going students. There is also a need to incorporate these concepts in school and college curriculum to enhance well-being of students. There is also a need to place professional counselors and psychologist in schools and colleges for imparting training in these values to students.
Pages: 495-497
Mustafa Nadeem Kirmani and Mohammed Anus (Department of Psychology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh)