
Gender discrimination in household chores and decision making: The perspective of Haryana

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Pages: 688-690
Deepika and Jatesh Kathpalia (Department of Sociology, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana)

Gender discrimination can be uprooted through empowerment of women and social awareness. By providing women the opportunity to take active part in socio, economic political and familial decisions this discrimination can be reduced. Women of our country have faced discrimination at all ages, now and hence forth this discrimination continues to exist in various forms. Any denial of equality, gender and opportunity on the bias of gender, is gender discrimination. Nature doesn’t discriminate men from women. But women worldwide have been the victim’s of inequality not only in terms of social and political rights but also on grounds of employment and opportunities. In the male dominant society women have become habituated of this discrimination. As a result, most women fail to understand their own rights and freedom. . Gender discrimination happens because people think that men are better than women. It seems obvious that women would want to change the system, but men are less likely to want to give up their positions of power. However, when men take part in resisting gender discrimination-by treating women with respect. Data were collected from Chaudhriwas, Kalwas , Dahima, and Bhojraj villages of Hisar-I and Hisar-II blocks covered under Hisar district of Haryana State by selecting 200 Parents. This paper shows that role and responsibility among gender and decision making by parents for future prospectus to their children.


Pages: 688-690
Deepika and Jatesh Kathpalia (Department of Sociology, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana)