
Family Functioning and Life Satisfaction: A Comparative Study among Male and Female Young Adults

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Page: 548-552

Nahida Shereef and P. J. Akhila (Christ College Autonomous Irinjalakuda, Kerala)


Page: 548-552

Nahida Shereef and P. J. Akhila (Christ College Autonomous Irinjalakuda, Kerala)

The current paper explores the relationship between family functioning and life satisfaction in a comparative study among male and female young adults. This study was administered to 120 participants (60 male and 60 female young adults) and is a quantitative study. The technique used to draw samples from the population was the random sampling technique. Instruments used were Family Functioning Scale (FFS) by (Tavitian, Lubiner, Green, Grebstein, & Velicer, 1987) and Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) by (Emmons, Diener, Larsen, & Griffin, 1985) were used for obtaining data. Analyses of data were done by Karl Pearson correlation and Independent t-test. The results indicated that there was a perfect positive correlation between family functioning and life satisfaction.