
Factors influencing socio-economic viability of small and marginal farmers in southern region of Haryana

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Pages: 313-315
Subhash Chander, Jatesh Kathpalia and Vinod Kumari (Department of Sociology, Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana )

Rural debtedness in India is one of the most serious problems of the rural economic. Actually, this problem is the sign of weak financial infra structural facilities available to the farmers for their survival and development. The study was conducted in Southern region of Haryana. The results of the study indicate that An average amount of loan of Rs. 229952 was taken by respondents from both sources. It is clear from the data that more than half of the respondents were repaying the loan irregularly while 42.67 per cent were repaying it regularly. Analysis revealed that 61.33% respondents enlisted low profit margins in agriculture as a major cause of debtedness. Analysis further revealed that respondents were burdened because of outstanding loan in spite of that 32.00 per cent respondents repaired or constructed the houses. Regarding problems faced by respondents after taking loan analysis revealed that overwhelming majority of the respondents (86.00%) were facing the problem of declining income after taking loan. It was also suggested that e-National Agricultural marketing facility should be provided to the farming community.


Pages: 313-315
Subhash Chander, Jatesh Kathpalia and Vinod Kumari (Department of Sociology, Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana )