Extroversion and introversion in relation to self-care of girls
Pages: 74-76
Richa Sharma (Department of Psychology, Govt. D.B.P.G. College Raipur, Chhattisgarh)
Twenty first century is the era of fitness and self awareness. Today, every human being wants to be fit and fine. This feeling has become stronger than ever before. The term self care is self awareness. In this digital age, preventive self care and the promotion of behavioural health and wellness is making more and more sense. Self care is not only related to physical fitness, but it also includes aspects like mental health and social matters. It has been seen, that some traits of personality that approach to the category of attitude are mode of adjustment to specific aspect of life situation. Exrtroversion and introversion are such an attitude trait. Jung (1960) held that a man is extrovert, when he gives importance to the outer world and takes the decisions accordingly. He is introvert, when a person takes the decisions according to his subjective preferences. Jung classified people into Extrovert, Introvert and Ambivert. It was hypothesized, that extrovert subjects would score more on self care measures than the introverts. Many studies support our hypothesis. 40 girls of govt. school studying in class 10 served as the subjects for this study. Test of Extroversion Introversion This test developed by Singh (1986) was used to measure the extroversion and introversion of the subjects. 2. Self Care Scale Self care is the dependent variable for the present study. It is a test designed by Tiwari and Verma. The objective of the present study is to measure the effect of personality type on self care. Personality type i.e. extroversion and introversion was taken as the independent variable, while self care was the dependent variable. When the average self care scores for introvert and extrovert personality were measured, it came to be 23.50 and 25.82 respectively. When we see t ratio, it is found to be significant, t= 2.21, p < .05, which indicates that the personality type ( introvert and extrovert ) certainly makes a difference in self care of our subjects. A significant t ratio shows, that both the personality types differ in their degree of self care. American Psychological Association(2000), Sceppento(2001), Silverman(2001) etc. have done the studies and found the same results, I.e., extrovert people take very good kind of self care as compared to the introverts.
Pages: 74-76
Richa Sharma (Department of Psychology, Govt. D.B.P.G. College Raipur, Chhattisgarh)