Explaining the mediating role of psychological empowerment the relationship between leadership empowerment behavior and turnover intention of employees (Case Study: Jahrom Branch Medical Sciences University)
Pages: 530-534
Abdolhadi Zaeri (Department of Management, Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, Iran)
Fereshteh Mostafavi Rad (Department of Educational & Psychological Science, Sepidan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sepidan, Iran)
This study aims to predict turnover intention with leadership empowerment behavior and psychological empowerment. This study was a descriptive correlational and 145 employees in Jahrom University of Medical Sciences by random easy sampling or available. The Data of research were collected by Cammann (1983); turnover intention Questionnaire TIQ, Spreitzer (1995); psychological empowerment questionnaire MEQ and Konczak (2000) leadership empowerment behavior questionnaire LEBQ. For reliability Alpha Cronbach is 0.72, 0.89, and 0.92. The data were analyzed by using regression with the application Spss22 and structural equation model (Path Analysis) by Amos18. The Results show that there is a negative significant relationship between psychological empowerment and leadership empowerment behavior with turnover intention. There is a positive significant relationship with been Empowering leadership behavior and psychological empowerment. Also, it was showed significant negative correlation of the leadership empowerment behavior of the highest correlation participatory decision, development, power, information sharing and responsibility with turnover intention. In the psychological empowerment was observed the most significant negative relationship between influential and turnover intention. After it was observed there is significant negative relationship between suitability and turnover intention. Also, the results showed that there is no significant relationship between independents and virtually with turnover intention, between leadership empowerment behavior and psychological empowerment, also, between psychological empowerment and turnover intention and in the final model, there is significant relationship between leadership empowerment behavior and turnover intention.
Pages: 530-534
Abdolhadi Zaeri (Department of Management, Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, Iran)
Fereshteh Mostafavi Rad (Department of Educational & Psychological Science, Sepidan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sepidan, Iran)