
Experience of Burnout: A Qualitative Inquiry into College Students of India

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Page: 190-195
Joy O. Thuruthel and Joy R. Tungol (The Graduate School, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines)

Burnout is a global concern and a psychological syndrome garnering the attention of researchers. It is characterized by emotional exhaustion, cynicism, and inefficacy and it impacted the physical and mental well-being of the person. The current study aims to explore qualitatively and analyse thematically the burnout experience of baccalaureate college students of South India, to identify, describe and interpret its causes, consequences, and impacts on their well-being. The experiences and perspectives of students gathered through in-depth semi-structured interviews with eighteen participants and focus group discussions with ten college students were analysed utilizing Braun and Clark’s step-by-step method. The findings of the qualitative study showed that the college students encountered cognitive issues (impaired cognitions, delimiting cognitions), emotional issues (unsettling emotions, bridling emotions, impoverishing emotions), and behavioural issues (paralyzing behaviours, disinvesting behaviours, devitalizing behaviour). The findings also indicated that burnout impacted the academic (engagement, results), psychological (anxiety, depression), physical (fatigue, disturbance of sleep) and social performance (dependence, conflicts), and well-being of students.


Page: 190-195
Joy O. Thuruthel and Joy R. Tungol (The Graduate School, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines)