Ergonomic analysis of women in pre cocoon and post cocoon activities
Pages: 155-156
Kangjam Victoria Devi (Student Welfare Officer, College of Community Science, CAU, Tura, Meghalaya)
Visalakshi Rajeswari (Department of Resource Management, Avinashilingam University for Women, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu)
Sericulture and Silk processing industry had been practice in Manipur since time immemorial. Women are involved in dual responsibilities of both maintain the household and this cottage industry. Though they expend both human and material resources lavishly for these activities, it is found that, their toil is not satisfactorily rewarded. They are found to be psychologically facing only discontentment. For their productive work, the returns are unproductive. Low income, poor social status, health problems, poor social status and the like are certain problems faced by them.
Pages: 155-156
Kangjam Victoria Devi (Student Welfare Officer, College of Community Science, CAU, Tura, Meghalaya)
Visalakshi Rajeswari (Department of Resource Management, Avinashilingam University for Women, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu)