Empirical investigation of emotional maturity dimensions on life-satisfaction among traditional dancers of Odisha
Sudarsan Behera and B. Rangaiah (Department of Applied Psychology, Pondicherry University, Puducherry)
Dance is a dynamic root to develop emotional expression and feelings through body movement and gesture. Dancer’s internal and external feelings are directly related to their satisfaction. The present objectives has been designed:- to investigate the significant differences and mutual interactions among dancers on various dimensions of emotional maturity and life satisfaction, to examine the demographic variables and various dimensions of emotional maturity will be predicting life satisfaction. The study consisted sample of 200 traditional dancers from Odisha. Research instruments; Emotional maturity Scale (Singh & Bhargav), Life satisfaction scale (Singh & Joseph, 1997) were used to collect the data from respondents. Hypotheses were tested by using, Mean, SD, F-ratio and multiple regression analysis. The results found that a significant difference among dance groups on emotional progression, social adjustment, personal integration and total emotional maturity. Furthermore, the results revealed that the dimensions like, emotional stability, emotional progression, personal integration and independent were significantly contributing towards life-satisfaction. The results will discuss on socio-cultural context of India.
Sudarsan Behera and B. Rangaiah (Department of Applied Psychology, Pondicherry University, Puducherry)