Educational aspiration of secondary school students in relation to parental encouragement
Liyaqat Bashir and Hilal Bashir (Department of Education, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab )
The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between educational aspiration of the secondary school students with parental encouragement and to find out the difference in educational aspiration and parental encouragement of secondary school students on the basis of gender. This study was conducted on a sample of 400 students studying in secondary schools of Kashmir division. Level of Educational Aspiration test standardized by Yashmin Ghani Khan(2011) and Parental Encouragement scale standardized by R.R. Sharma (2010) was administered to collect the data. In order to find out the difference ineducational aspiration and parental encouragement of the secondary school students on the basis of gender, t- test was used and to find out the relationship between educational aspiration of secondary school students with parental encouragement, Pearson’s coefficient of correlation was used. The result shows that there exists no significant difference between male and female secondary school students in their educational aspiration and parental encouragement. Further the results indicate that there exists a positive significant relationship between educational aspiration of secondary school students with parental encouragement.
Liyaqat Bashir and Hilal Bashir (Department of Education, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab )