Digital marketing in India: An overview
Pages: 176-179
Ishaq Ahmad Dar (Mittal School of Business, Lovely Professional University, Punjab)
Reena Lakha (University School of Management Studies, Rayat Bahra University, Mohali, Punjab)
The digital revolution has impacted both consumers as well as businesses. Over the past decade technology and the form, it is used has changed drastically. Earlier, the Internet was purely a source of information but now has become a place where people meet to share their experiences and stories, a platform for discussion and debate, a source of entertainment and much more. Social networking has influenced the way of using internet further, it has become a medium to reach general masses. Businesses are in rush to take advantages of increasing internet usage, hence given rise to digital marketing. Strategists are no longer confined to traditional modes of marketing, internet has been proven a superior medium, courtesy to, speed and mass coverage to reach targeted population. India being an emerging economy and a largest market has huge potential to take advantages of fastest growing digital marketing industry. This study will overview the scope and potential of digital marketing in Indian market. The study will be using theoretical approach by reviewing all the relevant literature on digital marketing in Indian context. A theoretical structural will be provided to be further tested empirically by other studies.
Pages: 176-179
Ishaq Ahmad Dar (Mittal School of Business, Lovely Professional University, Punjab)
Reena Lakha (University School of Management Studies, Rayat Bahra University, Mohali, Punjab)