Development of a computer programme for cost economics of processing equipments
Pages: 786-788
Sushant Bhardwaj, Divakar Chaudhary, and Yogesh Jamloki (Department of Processing and Food Engineering, COAE&T, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar)
The mechanization provides an opportunity to rural youth for entrepreneurship development through custom hiring of improved farm machines, processing machines, providing repair and maintenance facilities/ Farm machinery service centers. But there is need to educate the village youth in proper utilization, operation, repair and maintenance of the machines. In the present work program was made in dot net language which will be very helpful in guiding the famers about cost economics of any farm machines. As rural economy is agriculture based, the development in the rural sector will be possible through engineering interventions in agriculture. Introduction of need based gender friendly farm tools and equipment, agro-processing machines, suitable water saving technologies, viz., drip and sprinklers, farm ponds and solar gadgets will be very helpful in upliftment of the rural economy. The awareness about the new technologies and their technical know-how will also be the key points for upliftment of the farmers.
Pages: 786-788
Sushant Bhardwaj, Divakar Chaudhary, and Yogesh Jamloki (Department of Processing and Food Engineering, COAE&T, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar)