Developing and validating PSG Resilience Scale for Gen Y
Pages: 895-905
Shruthi Keerthika N. and Naachimuthu K.P. (Department of Psychology, PSG College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu)
Resilience is known to be the ability to face the changes, adapt to the new situations, and bounce back from the hard situations. It’s a positive way to face situations, to find solutions to problems than pondering over the problem. Resilient people are more flexible and adaptable to change, they tend to recover from hardships, they learn from mistakes. The present study is an attempt to develop and validate PSG Resilience scale for Gen Y, focusing on four dimensions of resilience, and these dimensions define / describe the resilient behavior of an individual. The target population for this study was people of the age group 18-30. From the total population, about 300 students randomly chosen for the present study (sample size was determined based on the number of predictors using G3 statistical software). The age range of the participants was 17 to 30 years, with a mean age (21.0 years). To explore the underlying factor structure of the PSG Resilience scale, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was performed on the data set. This is used to reduce a relatively large number of variables into a parsimonious set of factors (DeVellis, 2003) and to ensure the construct validity of the scale. Reliability analysis were also done, the PSG Resilience scale for Gen Y was found to be reliable and valid.
Pages: 895-905
Shruthi Keerthika N. and Naachimuthu K.P. (Department of Psychology, PSG College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu)