Decision making style as a determinant factor for mental health of managers
Vinod Kumar Gupta and A. P. Singh (Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, B.H.U., Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh)
The aim of this review paper is to present an innovative idea to explore the role of different types of decision making style in mental health of managers. In present time of positive psychology much emphasis is being given in promoting and enhancing the mental health of individuals and it can be also seen in organizations which in turn lead to the proper functioning of organization.There are many studies in which decision making style has been taken as an antecedents and consequences. It has been considered as an antecedent for academic performance among students and taking health care and consequences of different types of mental illness but there is a lack of studies related to the determining role of different types of decision making style in promoting the mental health of managers. So this paper is an attempt to present the base and rationale to examine the role of different types of decision making style indetermining and promoting the mental health of managers. Findings of this study would help the organizations in designing better training models for those decision making styles that are found to be positively correlated with mental health. So in future there is a need for conducting empirical studies related to the decision making styles and mental health.
Vinod Kumar Gupta and A. P. Singh (Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, B.H.U., Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh)