
Cultural Determinants of Health

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Page: 529-531

Sejabaledi A. Rankoana (Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Limpopo, South Africa)


Page: 529-531

Sejabaledi A. Rankoana (Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Limpopo, South Africa)

Societies create cultural factors that affect health as part of societal norms and standards and are commonly shared to shape acceptable behavior that determines good health and well-being. Focus group discussion with a purposive sample of 98 participants were used to collect qualitative data on cultural aspects that influence health in a rural community where native health practices are still valued to provide basic health care. The study findings provided a set of cultural attributes classified as health behaviors, or health-related behaviors that determine good health. These cultural attributes are learnt and shared within the family setting. Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG3) can be possible through interventions that embrace cultural determinants of health to promote good health.