Comparison between customer satisfaction towards big bazaar and vishal mega mart

Pages: 615-619
Kanika Garg, Aarushi, Cheenam, and Mahima (Department of Management Studies, Panipat Institute of Engineering and Technology, Samalkha, Panipat, Haryana)

The present study is an attempt to measure the customer satisfaction of two competitive Indian retail brands and draw a comparison between the two based on customer service quality and value creation. The comparative analysis is drawn using measurement scale has been defined to measure the descriptive analysis using primary data. The findings include how and to what extent customer service quality and value creation affect customer satisfaction in case of both the brands. The number of factors influencing customer satisfaction is restricted to two, which can be increased as time progresses and modern retail businesses gets matured in Indian market with development and interplay of more factors and surely can provide further scope of future research. This research work will help the retail managers in general, including those of the concerned brands, to understand their key areas of strength comparatively and accordingly frame their strategies for decision making in order to improve customer satisfaction and gain competitive advantage.


Pages: 615-619
Kanika Garg, Aarushi, Cheenam, and Mahima (Department of Management Studies, Panipat Institute of Engineering and Technology, Samalkha, Panipat, Haryana)