Cleanliness behavior in relation to some socio-economic indicators
Pages: 365-369
Gouri Sharma (Department of Education, Pt. Sundarlal Sharma (Open) University, Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh)
Present study aims to examine the relationship between women cleanliness behavior in relation to socio-economic indicators i.e. age, Family income, women income, type of household, occupation, level of education, water source ,toilet facility on women cleanliness behavior. Sample -For this purpose 300 hundred women residing in slum area of Bilaspur district has been taken. Measures- For the collection of data two scale 1-personal cleanliness behavior scale and 2-Public cleanliness behavior scale were developed. Item analysis has been done for both scale. Reliability chron’ bach alpha for personal cleanliness behavior scale 0.96 and .885 for public cleanliness behavior scale was found to be significant. Personal cleanliness behavior scale and Public cleanliness behavior scale were significantly related (p<0.001). Design-co relational design is used. Data analysis has been done with the help of multiple regression analysis using SPSS 24 licensed version. Findings of the study showed that income of the family as well as income of the women both are important and emerged out as significant predictors whereas role of education was not found significant to predict cleanliness behavior.
Pages: 365-369
Gouri Sharma (Department of Education, Pt. Sundarlal Sharma (Open) University, Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh)