Burnout in teachers: Causes, consequences and intervention
Pages: 510-512
Manju (School of Education, Central University of Haryana, Jant-Pali, Mahendergarh, Haryana)
The teacher is as important as the child in the educative process as there is need for systematic study of the problems and concerns of teachers. The right attitudes and involvement, the mental health and job-satisfaction of the teachers are essential conditions for the success of any school programme. Teachers and their problems have been attracting a great deal of attention. “Teacher stress and Burnout” have become topic of public and professional concern. Teaching occupation is often perceived as semi-professional with relatively low social prestige and income. Educational reforms have tried to make teaching a more professional occupation by increasing teacher’s commitment and accountability to their jobs.
Pages: 510-512
Manju (School of Education, Central University of Haryana, Jant-Pali, Mahendergarh, Haryana)