Behavioural modification intervention in HIV/AIDS prevention

Pages: 507-510
Harikesh (Department of Psychology, Monad University, Hapur, UP)

Behaviour modification is the field of psychology concerned with analyzing and modifying human behaviour. Analyzing means identifying the functional relationship between the environment and a particular behaviour to understand the reasons for behaviour or to determine why a person behaved as he or shed did. Modifying means developing and implementing procedures to help people change their behaviour. It involves altering environmental events so as to influence behaviour. Behaviour modification procedures are used by professionals to help a person to change socially significant behaviours with the goal of improving some aspect of the person’s life. Behavioural skills training programme and community interventions are helpful in prevention of this fatal disease (Kelly et. al., 1993). The present paper reviews on the various behaviour modification interventions that might be helpful in reducing day by day increasing HIV infection among people of all ages.


Pages: 507-510
Harikesh (Department of Psychology, Monad University, Hapur, UP)