Attitudinal influences in crime: A comparative study of low and high crime profile villages

Pages: 315-319
Sandeep Singh (Department of Applied Psychology, GJUS&T, Hisar, Haryana )
Sunil Saini (Indian Association of Health, Research and Welfare, Hisar, Haryana )

Everyday newspapers, magazines and media channels are full of news of robberies, kidnappings, rape and murders. Crime reports are especially broadcasting on news channels indicating that crime is everywhere and all efforts to thwart it seem to be failing. Despite all governmental rule and regulations, crime is at alarming stage all-around. Viewing police records in certain areas, it was found that there are some villages where crime rate is very low and in others it is very high. Reasons for committing a crime may include greed, anger, jealously, revenge, pride and now-a-days one more thing that is emerging is youths from high profile families do crime for entertainment and false recognition. Investigations have shown that youths engage in crime activities for excitement, admiration and rewards. School bullying, domestic violence, community violence, religious masscrace, strikes, etc. have made social thinkers, police administration, policy makers and social scientist to unearthen the root causes of such activities. The present study was conducted on a sample of 450 persons (75 from each village) covering the six villages (three low crime and three high crime profile villages) of district Hisar, Haryana. The data was collected randomly and no criteria were fixed. A survey questionnaire was used to assess the attitudinal aspects related to social acceptance of crime, attitude towards alcohol and drug abuse, police, politics, gambling, youth attitude towards crime. It has been observed in the findings that attitudinal influences potentially affect the crime proneness in rural areas.


Pages: 315-319
Sandeep Singh (Department of Applied Psychology, GJUS&T, Hisar, Haryana )
Sunil Saini (Indian Association of Health, Research and Welfare, Hisar, Haryana )