
Assessing emotional intelligence and self concept of the private and government higher secondary school students

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Pages: 46-52
Deepa Ghosh (Department of Psychology, N.S.Mahavidyalaya, Udaipur, Tripura)

Present study aimed at investigating and comparing emotional intelligence and self concept of the private and government higher secondary school students. This study is planned to examine the relationship between emotional intelligence and self concept. The sample comprised of 100 students. Among them private school students were 50 and government school students were 50. Their age ranged from 17-19 years. The sample was randomly selected from two private and two government higher secondary schools. Emotional Intelligence Test (EIT) by Dr Ekta Sharma and Self Concept Rating Scale by Dr R.K. Saraswat were used. Findings showed significant difference between the students of private and government schools on emotional intelligence (t=3.447; p<0.01) and self concept (t=3.73; p<0.01). Results further revealed that there was significant relationship (r=.501; p<0.01) between emotional intelligence and self concept. The result of the study can be used retrospectively for ensuring psychological intervention to improve emotional intelligence and self-concept of the school students.


Pages: 46-52
Deepa Ghosh (Department of Psychology, N.S.Mahavidyalaya, Udaipur, Tripura)