Adaptability of internet as an extension tool: A study of CCSHAU extension personnel
Pages: 370-373
Anil Kumar Malik and Krishan Yadav (Department of Extension Education, College of Agriculture Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana)
Extension advisory services (EAS) entail more than just the transfer of technologies. In a broader sense, EAS means the transfer of know-how and information, which will ultimately enable the client/farmer to make his/her autonomous decision to adjust or modify the production and/or adopt innovations. The study was conducted to determine the adaptability of internet as an extension advisory tool by extension personnel of CCSHAU Hisar for enhancing transfer of technology. It involved a total of 108 extension personnel with 23 from main campus and 85 from outstation. The researcher conducted census survey and interview to the respondents during the data gathering process; used statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) programs in data computation and analysis, in which, specifically used descriptive statistics. The findings revealed that majority of extension personnel recommended the regular use of internet as an extension tool and almost one-third of the respondents started using the internet as an extension tool, the day it was installed in their office.
Pages: 370-373
Anil Kumar Malik and Krishan Yadav (Department of Extension Education, College of Agriculture Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana)