A study of psychological well-being of rural and urban young adults belonging to high income group and middle income group
Pages: 1508-1510
Swarn Shikha Sharma and Kiran Sahu (Department of Psychology, G.D.H.G.College, Moradabad, U.P )
The term psychological well being is used throughout the healthy industry as kind of a catch all phrase meaning contentment, satisfaction with all element of life, self actualization (a feeling of having achieved something with one’s life peace and happiness). Well-being is a dynamic concept that includes subjective, social, and psychological dimensions as well as health-related behaviors. The most commonly recognized social class includes High- Income Group (HIG), Middle-Income Group (MIG) and the Lower-Income Group (LIG). Lower Income Group includes occupations like factory workers, manual labourers, maintenance workers and welfare recipients. The Middle Income Group is variously described as the managerial class, White collar or middle class. The High Income Group or upper class consists of people with high incomes. The aim of the present study is to find out the difference between HIG and MIG group and rural and urban areas young adults on psychological well-being and further to find out the gender difference regarding psychological well-being. . For this purpose 100 young adults (50 male and 50 female) were taken from Moradabad District of U.P. Psychological well-being scale by Warr (1987) was used to measure well-being of respondents. Results indicated that HIG and MIG groups are significantly differed on psychological well-being on the other hand non significant difference found for rural and urban young adults. Further there is found significant gender difference for psychological well-being.
Pages: 1508-1510
Swarn Shikha Sharma and Kiran Sahu (Department of Psychology, G.D.H.G.College, Moradabad, U.P )