A comparative study on deprivation among male female adolescents
Pages: 1523-1524
Azara Parveen and Champa Mathpal (Department of Psychology, M.B.P.G College, Haldwani )
The term of deprivation has been used in various ways. The word deprivation is derived from, the verb to deprived which to deprive which mean to dispossess or strip and it implies a felt loss the word. Deprivation literally refers to dispossession or loss of privileges opportunities, maternal goods and the like. It is also used as social disadvantage, cultural alienation and a condition in which particular external and internal factors merge to narrow a person’s behavioral alternatives for achieving self fulfillment. It is the state of insufficient satisfaction of basic needs and deficiencies in individual and family setting. This research is a comparative study on deprivation among male female adolescents. For this study 150 adolescent 75 male and 75 female were taken. Deprivation scale by Dr (Smt.) Chandra Prabha Jain was used to collect data. The result revealed that girls are more deprived than boys.
Pages: 1523-1524
Azara Parveen and Champa Mathpal (Department of Psychology, M.B.P.G College, Haldwani )