A comparative study of mental health problems and role conflict among industrial supervisory personnels

Pages: 520-523
Nirmala Kaushik and Rakesh Behmani (Department of Applied Psychology, G.J.U.S.&T, Hisar, Haryana)

Role conflict affects the mental health of the employees. It is the major determinant of organizational stress. Stress is the degree of tension, anxiety and pressure experienced by a person. Stress is generally assumed as the outcome of the transaction between the stimulus and the response. Mental health is an important internal resource which assures a stable quality of life. In other words mental health is how people look at themselves their lives and other people, evaluate their challenges and problems. It has been reported as an important factor influencing individual’s various behaviours, activities, happiness and performance. The success of performance of mental functions results in productive activities. Qualitative work and good production in any organization depend on the mental health of workers of that organization. Keeping in view these points a study was conducted to know the effect of role conflict on mental health of industrial employees. This study was conducted on males and females (100 each in the age range of 25-55 years). The results indicated that role conflict affect the mental health of industrial workers. Higher role conflict indicated poorer mental health.


Pages: 520-523
Nirmala Kaushik and Rakesh Behmani (Department of Applied Psychology, G.J.U.S.&T, Hisar, Haryana)