Solid waste management: A case study of Hisar city
Pages: 1856-1858
Anubandh (Department of Geography, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana)
Solid waste is material that is discarded because it had served the purpose or it has no longer useful. It include garbage, rubbish, ashes, street sweepings, dead animals, abandoned vehicles, construction/ demolition waste, industrial refuse and special waste such as hospital waste, bulky waste, animal and agriculture waste and sewage treatment residues. Solid waste management is an essential part of urban environmental management. It is estimated that India produces 68.8 million tones of solid waste every year. The urban local bodies spent approximately Rs 500 to 1600 per tones of solid waste for collection, transportation, treatment and disposal. The present paper deals with solid waste management in Hisar city.
Pages: 1856-1858
Anubandh (Department of Geography, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana)