Tantra, Yantra and Mantra in the Paintings of H.S. Raza

Pages: 310-312
Daljit Kaur (S. Sobha Singh Fine Arts Department, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab)

There were numerous known artists in The Bombay Group of Art after Independence. They were trying to discover their identification as The Indian artist, who were struggling for a long time to discover the Modern Art in India. S.H Raza was one of the foremost artists of that Bombay Progressive Artist Group. Being the Student of the prestigious J.J School of Art, He established a new platform according to his Modern Vision. He was born in year 1922 in a Middle class Muslim family and was aware of the value of Hindu Mythology Religion and Culture. He was discovering the difference between the Modern Art and Western Art Movements. He was keen to absorb both the cultures through his own creative thoughts, He combined the technique and style both and Western and Indian World. He Migrated to Paris and worked in the International Market. His main theme was Hindu Mythology which inspired the European Art and became the most prestigious Artist of India. He always had inquisitiveness and desire to excavate the roots of Indian Art like Ajanta, Ellora and Works of South India done by the various Dynasties. He travelled to India many times and then decided to back to his country and continued to work here. His main theme remains the same that he was working on the Hindu Philosophy particularly the Circle of Universe and The Symbols in various forms. His Dot was recognized not only in the West rather in Indian Modern Art as well. The know art critic of India always related him to the Tantric art as he painted the various aspects of Hindu Mythology and summarize the essence. After getting highest Awards in India and International aura he died 2016.


Pages: 310-312
Daljit Kaur (S. Sobha Singh Fine Arts Department, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab)