Narayan: Moral Expression and Communication with His Society
Anita Hooda and Prem Kumari (Asso. Professor, Govt. P.G. College, Hisar)
It is not surprising when we know that at all times, Narayan writes not merely with an intense social awareness of his own age but with the past of India with him. Thanks to him that our social sympathies are broadened and our moral being considerably heightened. It may be noted that the legends of the past in Narayan’s interpretation must not be regarded as an escape from the present day life, on the contrary, he brings ancient myths to our reality. These legends are his pride for folk wisdom, for ancient Indian values, for spiritual heritage of his country. Ethical view provide Narayan with a common ground between him and his readers, the common stock of experience which makes communication possible. Literary value is most vital art. Critics are of the view that Indo-Anglian literature is imitative in nature and not firm1y rooted in the soil. This criticism is false, because, as we have seen, the strength and appeal of Narayan’s novels lies in the substance he drew from his own soil. Narayan draws directly from the moral values of our epics and classics.
Anita Hooda and Prem Kumari (Asso. Professor, Govt. P.G. College, Hisar)