
Relevance of Cognitive Remediation Interventions for Reducing the Symptoms of Depression: A Review

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Page: 227-231

Neethu George and Rosalito De Guzman (The Graduate School, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines)


Page: 227-231

Neethu George and Rosalito De Guzman (The Graduate School, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines)

Depression has a high prevalence throughout the world. The number of people who suffer from depression is estimated to be more than 264 million, according to some statistics (Rana & Babar, 2020). There are cognitive deficits such as information processing, sustaining attention, memory, and problem-solving associated with depression, as well as changes in the brain. A cognitive remediation strategy makes use of repetitive exercises and positive reinforcement to improve cognitive functioning. There is a growing number of computerized and non-computerized cognitive remediation programs available for individual and group treatment. The effectiveness of CRT is proven to be especially high if it is used with vocational rehabilitation or other interventions.