
Producer’s Surplus and Disposal Pattern Followed by Tomato Growers in Haryana

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Page: 198-200

Anamika, Suman Ghalawat, and Megha Goyal (Department of Business Management, CCSHAU, Hisar, Haryana)


Page: 198-200

Anamika, Suman Ghalawat, and Megha Goyal (Department of Business Management, CCSHAU, Hisar, Haryana)

Tomatoes are one of the most important commercial crops grown in Haryana and its marketing plays a crucial role in the economy of the state. Due to its perishable nature, the marketing and disposal pattern requires a well-planned transportation system to ensure optimum quality tomatoes to ultimate consumers and less spoilage and losses. The present study was conducted in Kurukshetra, Karnal, and Yamuna Nagar Districts of Haryana. The data was collected from 70 farmers from each district making a total sample of 210 farmers with the help of pre-structured survey schedule to study. The results of the study concluded that the total production, farm retention, marketable surplus, losses and marketed surplus were 475.43 (100), 8.63 (1.81%), 466.80 (98.19%), 34.55 (7.27%) and 432.25 (90.92%) quintal per hectare at overall level. On overall basis, 82.08 per cent of produce was sold or disposed through wholesaler-cum-commission agents followed by 10.16 per cent of produce through retailers and 7.76 per cent of produce was sold directly to consumers. It was suggested to direct marketing strategies to avail significant profit. Tomato growers should sell their produce directly to consumers, retailers and processors, thereby eliminating intermediaries such as wholesalers, commission agents, traders and secure high profit margins for their produce.