Impact of socio-economic status on the behaviour of rural and urban adolescents
Pages: 38-41
Deepika Sharma and Sheela Sangwan (Department of Human development & Family Studies, I.C College of Home Science, CCSHAU, Hisar, Haryana)
The present study “Impact of Socio-economic status on the Behaviour of Rural and Urban Adolescents” was undertaken with the specific objectives, viz. (i) to find out the relationship of adolescents’ aggression with family environment (ii) to find out the factors affecting adolescents behavior. The data was collected from Kangra District of Himachal Pradesh. A total sample of 250 adolescents’ in the age group of 13-15 years was randomly selected. Standardized scale of Family Environment Scale by Bhatia and Chadha (1993)was used to measure the family environment of the adolescents. The collected data were tabulated, processed and analyzed by employing statistical technique i.e. frequencies and correlation. The results of study indicated that adolescents residing in urban area had more aggression. Regression analysis of the aggression of adolescent’s showed that residential area, family income, number of siblings, maternal occupation, gender and paternal education were the predictors of aggression.
Pages: 38-41
Deepika Sharma and Sheela Sangwan (Department of Human development & Family Studies, I.C College of Home Science, CCSHAU, Hisar, Haryana)