Inflation unplugged: The Indian scenario

Pages: 363-365
Ankur (Department of Commerce, B. R. Ambedkar College, Delhi University, Delhi)

Inflation touches the lives of each and every individual in any country. The government and the Central of bank of any country tries to maintain a balance between the high rate of inflation and the fear of deflation. In India, we had witnessed a phase of high rate of inflation from 2011-2014. But due to the effective steps by RBI and the government, fall in global crude prices and low base effect we have witnessed a fall in the inflation rate. But it has again started to rise which is a cause of concern for the government and the central bank. This article explains the basics of inflation and the current Indian scenario.


Pages: 363-365
Ankur (Department of Commerce, B. R. Ambedkar College, Delhi University, Delhi)