Impact of privatization of higher education in the society

Pages: 1922-1924
Marie Kalita (Department of English Paschim Guwahati Mahavidyalaya Guwahati, Assam)
Balendra Kr. Das (Ex- Principal, Paschim Guwahati Mahavidyalaya Director (Administration) University of Science Technology and Management, Meghalaya)

Privatization of Higher Education is a worldwide phenomenon which is gaining in strength and importance each day. India is no exception to this and its primarily a post 1980 phenomenon. Considering the ever-growing importance of Privatization of Higher Education and the growth of Private Higher Educational Institutions, it is quite obvious that it has created a great impact upon our society. This article is an attempt to study the impact of these Institutions of Higher Learning in today’s perspective.


Pages: 1922-1924
Marie Kalita (Department of English Paschim Guwahati Mahavidyalaya Guwahati, Assam)
Balendra Kr. Das (Ex- Principal, Paschim Guwahati Mahavidyalaya Director (Administration) University of Science Technology and Management, Meghalaya)