Choosing English medium school with a view of future prospects
Pages: 1637-1641
Mohd Muzahir Ali and Rana Rafi Khan (Department of Education, Al-Falah University, Dhauj, Faridabad, Haryana)
The study was intended to investigate aspects related with future prospects influencing the choice for English medium school. Data was collected with the help of a self-developed scale. Reliability of the scale is 0.738 (Cronbach’s Alpha). 900 respondents of class 6th to 8th standard from the nine English medium schools selected from the various parts of Delhi constituted the sample of the study. Factor analysis and chi square tests were used to analyze the data. Findings revealed a higher level of agreement among students for various aspects related to future that influence the choice for English medium school. School’s ability to shape the future of students is major factor to influence the choice for English Medium School.
Pages: 1637-1641
Mohd Muzahir Ali and Rana Rafi Khan (Department of Education, Al-Falah University, Dhauj, Faridabad, Haryana)