Work motivation and job satisfaction: A study of the telecom sector

Pages: 1710-1714
Khurshid Alam (Department of Psychology, Zakir Husain Delhi College, University of Delhi, Delhi)
Shaheen Parveen (Department of Psychology, University of Delhi, Delhi)

An attempt was made to study the job satisfaction and work motivation of employees of the telecom sector. The sample of the study consisted of 120 employees. The Job Satisfaction scale by Shresthya and Ganguli (1994) and work motivation questionnaire WMQ developed by Agarwal (1990) was used for the data collection. The data were analyzed, for the first objective of studying job satisfaction and work motivation, descriptive analysis was done, within which mean and SD was calculated, for the second objective of studying the relationship between work motivation and job satisfaction, their correlation was found using inferential statistics, bivariate correlation was applied with the help of SPSS. The findings were showed that job satisfaction and work motivation were positively and significantly correlated to each other at 0.01 level of significance.


Pages: 1710-1714
Khurshid Alam (Department of Psychology, Zakir Husain Delhi College, University of Delhi, Delhi)
Shaheen Parveen (Department of Psychology, University of Delhi, Delhi)