Why are some people more anxious than others? the role of neuroticism and extraversion personality traits on anxiety
Pages: 1110-1112
Sana Akhter (Department of Psychology, Kolhan University Chaibasa, Jharkhand)
Md. Firoz Ibrahimi (Depertment of Psychology, Karim City College, Jamshedpur)
Some people are more anxious than others. Is there any role of personality traits? Personality is a dynamic organization of different traits in a person. Anxiety is an emotional state arising in situations of impending danger and manifested in expectation of unfavorable events. Anxiety manifests itself as a feeling of helplessness, uncertainty of oneself, lack of sufficient strength in the face of external factors and exaggeration of their potency and strength. The aim of this study is to examine the traits of personality (Neuroticism & Extraversion) on anxiety whether personality is associated with anxiety among college students. The sample consisted of 60 college students of class 11 to graduate both males and females from different college in Jharkhand. Students from all streams (science, commerce & Arts) have considered for the study. NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI), originally developed by Costa and McCrae, 1992, and Sinha Anxiety Scale (SINHA Self-Analysis Form) is used to assess personality and anxiety. Statistical technique and the data are computed with correlation. Results have showed that neuroticism is significantly positively correlated with anxiety whereas Extraversion is significantly negatively correlated with anxiety and Neuroticism play an important role in anxiety and who have got Neuroticism Personality Traits there are more anxious.
Pages: 1110-1112
Sana Akhter (Department of Psychology, Kolhan University Chaibasa, Jharkhand)
Md. Firoz Ibrahimi (Depertment of Psychology, Karim City College, Jamshedpur)