Well-being: Concept, barriers and promotion
Pages: 1256-1259
Aradhana Shukla (Department of Psychology, Kumaon University, S.S.J. Campus, Almora)
In these days considerable attention is being made on carving the positive aspect of life and in this regard the relative efficacy of the concept of well being can not be denied. The notion of wellbeing can best be defined as a complex construct which is comprised of optimal psychological functioning and experience .It reveals the positive affects even for the negative circumstances, but it ,too is not the sheer absence of mental illness. Surely, it makes a balance between positive affect and negative circumstances .However, it is deeply with favorable emotions, negative affect and total cognitive awareness of life satisfaction. Positive affect consists of pleasant emotion or feeling while negative emotion causes negative feeling and thus, hampers the roots of well being .So,there is a need to understand the concept of well being ,try to minimize the hampering factors and attempt to enhance its magnitude and then, spread in the society . This is a review cum observation based paper in which the author has shed light on the concept of well being and its current status in Indian scenario .The barriers of wellbeing are also discussed that disturb the flow of well being .At last, strategies for the promotion of well being is also discussed with a desire of universal welfare or Lok Kalyan ,which can only be possible by thinking ,perceiving ,acting and behaving good for the society and that must be unconditional .
Pages: 1256-1259
Aradhana Shukla (Department of Psychology, Kumaon University, S.S.J. Campus, Almora)