Validation of computer based administration for gessells drawing test of intelligence

Pages: 872-876
S. Venkatesan, V. Hariharan and G. Y. Yashodhara Kumar (Department of Clinical Psychology, All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Manasagangotri, Mysore)

The Gesell’s Drawing Test of Intelligence is a useful screening tool for research and clinical practice. This cross-sectional exploratory research seeks to compare performance of a purposive sample of 59 children in age range of 5-12 years on the test drawing activity by using computer based Paint Brush Program along with concurrent use of its traditional paper-pencil mode of test administration. Independent scoring by three mutually blinded examiners show no significant difference in scores of subjects between the two modes of administration (p >0.05). However, a consistent pattern of within group differences is seen with higher scores for paper-pencil mode of administration on variables like gender, age, residence, type of syllabus, and family background (p <0.01), while no differences emerge on variables like children having or not having access to computer facilities, rural background, being a girl child or being above ten years (p >0.05). The findings are discussed with merits and demerits in the ongoing efforts to develop computer-enabled testing devices for children.


Pages: 872-876
S. Venkatesan, V. Hariharan and G. Y. Yashodhara Kumar (Department of Clinical Psychology, All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Manasagangotri, Mysore)