Use of Expressionism in The Emperor Jones

J.N. Sharma1 and Meena Rani2 (G.B. Degree College Rohtak, Haryana1 and Department of English, C.M.J. University, Shilong2)

Eugene O’Neill in his urge to find a suitable form of dramaturgy and experimentation with different techniques and forms he used realism and naturalism in his early plays. But as he matured, he resorted to the use of full-scale symbolism and expressionism to express the psychological terrors and obsessions of his characters. Expressionism was a movement that began in Germany before World War I, especially from 1910-24. The term ‘Expressionism’ was coined by L. Vauxcelles. In literature, it was a revolt against ‘realism’. It aimed at the distortion of the phenotypic reality. This was achieved by the fragmentation of objects and the breaking up of time sequences. Originally, the movement was confined to the visual arts and later on it widened its periphery to literature and other arts. The expressionists departed from a mere realistic depiction of life, by incorporating in their art tense and emotionally. chaotic states of mind. But sometimes this expression may cross its limitations and delineate the aweful plight of man pitted against an apathetic and callous Cosmos or Universe, and even an insouciant Providence. Expressionism, unlike impressionism is the subjective account of a subjective perception. Thematically, the expressionist writer is concerned with Man, God and Destiny, and the inter relationship among these at the personal and the subjective plane of existence. His sole concern is the soul of man, which he represents through external symbols and he substitutes symbolic types for individual human begins. Chaotic hysterical and apparently meaningless ideas are illuminatingly ventilated through symbols, images and metaphors. This is revealed through the character of Brutus Jones who becomes the spokesman of the black slaves brought for auction.


J.N. Sharma1 and Meena Rani2 (G.B. Degree College Rohtak, Haryana1 and Department of English, C.M.J. University, Shilong2)