Understanding social conflicts for national integration
Pages: 2058-2061
Sana Khan (Defence Institute of Psychological Research, DRDO, New Delhi)
A democratic nation, especially India, comprises of people from various regions, religions, castes, and languages, but beyond these differences, having a common identity and common consciousness is a prerequisite for national integration. A low level national integration creates social tension, prejudice and conflicts. In contrast, high level national integration motivates people to respect diversity, encourage cultural interaction, understanding among people and respect constitutional rights. Present paper aims to prepare an anthology of psychological theories that can play role in national integration. It discusses the role of social conflict theory in national integration as has been found to have an adverse impact national integration. Together with this, psychological techniques have been discussed that plays a role in social conflict resolution and national integration.
Pages: 2058-2061
Sana Khan (Defence Institute of Psychological Research, DRDO, New Delhi)