Treating negative self-appraisal in a young adult male with social anxiety disorder using integrative CBT
Pages: 214-216
Jyoti Dubey and Shweta Singh (King Georges Medical University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh)
Social anxiety disorder is highly distressing for the sufferer as it causes substantial impairment in social and occupational spheres of life. We discuss about a young male with social anxiety disorder due to negative appraisal of himself. He had the complaints of fear of interacting with people, fear of speaking at public places negative about himself which increased since last 3 years. He was treated with Integrative CBT using elements of CBT, Exposue therapy and Visualization techniques.
Pages: 214-216
Jyoti Dubey and Shweta Singh (King Georges Medical University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh)