To study the mental health among school students
Dinesh Niak (N.V.P. Mondals Arts, Commerce & Sciences College Lasalgaon, Nasik, Maharastra)
Ashok Parasar (SPPU Pune, Maharatra)
“School mental health” in recent years has taken on a much broader meaning, with an increasing emphasis on the host of possibilities that schools provide for clinicians, teachers, administrators, students, families, and community members to collaborate in promoting the overall well-being of all students (ESMH). Mental Health is a state of well being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make contributions to his or her community (Leonard, 2005). To study the mental health among school students 100 students were selected as the sample group, in the age range between 13 to 18 years were taken from 2 schools of Dharmpuri, Indore. Samples were selected purposively for the study. who were fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria were selected for the present study. The tools used for assessing the variables are Socio Demographic Data Sheet & family details (Self made), PGI Health Questionnaire (Verma, Wig, & Pershad, 1985). This study revealed that the frequency and percentage of the subject about their total mental health on both areas healthy and poor health were 57% and 43% respectively.
Dinesh Niak (N.V.P. Mondals Arts, Commerce & Sciences College Lasalgaon, Nasik, Maharastra)
Ashok Parasar (SPPU Pune, Maharatra)