To study the AIDS awareness among adolescence in urban and rural areas of Haridwar district
Pages: 1058-1062
Anusuiya Tyagi (M. K. P. (P.G.) College, Dehradun, Uttrakhand)
The present study was undertaken to determine the awareness of HIV/AIDS among adolescents. The Sample for the study consisted of 60 males and 60 females, age ranged 15 to 18 and sample was randomly selected from urban and rural schools of Haridwar District, Uttrakhand. All subjects were assessed on AIDS Awareness Questionnaire (Asthana, 1999). There were questions from three major areas (i) Modes of HIV infection and location of HIV in the body, (ii) Symptoms of AIDS, and (iii) Tests and protection. Statistical analysis T-Test was carried out. Results revealed that there is a significance difference between urban and rural adolescents on AIDS Awareness of Haridwar Districts. Rural adolescents have comparatively better awareness than urban adolescents. On the other hand, rural girls have better awareness than the rural boys. But urban girls are lesser aware than the urban boys. In the conclusion, there is need to increase HIV/AIDS awareness and getting this goal reproductive health education should be part of curriculum in all schools. These should be classroom based education programme on HIV/AIDS, which must begin from secondary classes onwards and a class teacher, should be properly trained for educating the students effectively, Seminars & Exhibition will be also useful to create awareness among adolescents.
Pages: 1058-1062
Anusuiya Tyagi (M. K. P. (P.G.) College, Dehradun, Uttrakhand)