Theme of Patriarchy in Mahesh Dattani’s Tara
Deepak Raj (Department of English, GSSS Odhan, Sirsa, Haryana)
Many writers have endeavoured to define and analyze the status of women in Indian Society. Sensitive people feel deeply concerned about her position when it starts deteriorating. Woman as a victim of oppression and exploitation thus attracts social reformers, sociologists and men of literature in their quest for a harmonious outlook towards her status and role. At present, the oppression and exploitation of women have increased manifold. With the help of education and medical science, its sweep is astounding. Crime against women is rising at an alarming rate year after year. Women are forced to bear the burnt of violence as well as go through the ignominious outrage done to her body. Problems relating to incompatible marriages, child marriage, divorce, rapes, abortion laws and questions related to inheritance or widowhood, are some of the issues which are focussed in literature. These are still the issues which need satisfactory solution.
Deepak Raj (Department of English, GSSS Odhan, Sirsa, Haryana)