The theme of survival and self-assertion A study of Hemingway’s the Old Man and the Sea
Jyotsna (Department of English, G.G.S.S.S., Kiloi)
Who is mouthpiece of an age? Obviously a writer no single writer remains uninfluenced by the main events and great personalities of his time. Undeniably those conscious and unconscious urges of a society, which are seeking outward manifestations are subtly expressed by literature. The literature for being sensitive in nature draws nourishment from diverse sources including politics war and contemporary and historical events. Every writer gives an outlet to the fears, emotions beliefs, customs weaknesses, vices, morality, hopes, aspirations, frivolities and enterprises of that particular ear in which he lives and writers and indeed is called the representative of his time. Being a sensitive and conscious artist, Hemingway’s literature is no exception to it. Ernest Miller Hemingway was considered to be one of the most writer in American literature.
Jyotsna (Department of English, G.G.S.S.S., Kiloi)