The strengths model: A recovery-oriented approach to management of people suffering with severe mental illness
Pages: 445-447
Uma Rani (Department of Psychology, SPW Degree & PG College, (TTD) Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh)
The idea of promoting strength-based practice in community care organizations often creates an unexpected dilemma. Intuitively, the idea of focusing on the strengths of people is warmly embraced and considered to be a respectful and meaningful starting point in supporting positive change. However, the actual practice of identifying, acknowledging and working with strengths as a starting point for change is rarely experienced by those receiving the service of the community or health care service. Many practitioners from different professional backgrounds will claim to be working from strength’s perspective; it is rare to see practitioners or organizations seriously working from an underlying set of values, principles and philosophy of strength-based practice.
Pages: 445-447
Uma Rani (Department of Psychology, SPW Degree & PG College, (TTD) Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh)