The possible development of the ideal self-through social networking sites among adolescents

Pages: 691-693
Durga Menon (Department of Psychology, Montfort College, Bengaluru, Karnataka)
Neha Parashar (Sampurna Institute of Advanced Studies, Bengaluru, Karnataka)

The main objective of this study is to identify the possible role of social networking sites in the development of the ideal self. A study was conducted in which samples of 8 adolescents were interviewed regarding their usage of a social networking site (facebook) and the development of their ideal self. Data was derived using a semi structured interview which was analysed using thematic analysis. The global themes that were drawn from the study were futuristic thinking of career options, development of an image of recognition and creation of a better self for the future. The results tried establishing that social; networking sites aid in the development of certain aspects of the self. The implications of this study includes looking at the technological aspect that could impact self-development, understanding the repercussions of the in congruency between the real self and the ideal self, and assessing the impact these repercussions could have on mental health.


Pages: 691-693
Durga Menon (Department of Psychology, Montfort College, Bengaluru, Karnataka)
Neha Parashar (Sampurna Institute of Advanced Studies, Bengaluru, Karnataka)