The mediating role of innovation about between understanding knowledge management and environmental leadership whit performance management system

Pages: 316-320
Shohreh Amini and Hasan Soltani (Department of Management, Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, Iran)

The aim of this study Examine the mediating role of innovation Understand the relationship between knowledge management and environmental governance With Performance management system.The study population included 130 employees Customs house of the Fars province. According to Morgan, 97 samples were selected. Measuring devices in this study standard questionnaires knowledge management (Khamda), Environmental leadership (Farj and Martinz), Innovation (Chopani), And Inventory Performance Management System (Barati et al) respectively. Through content validity and reliability using Cronbach’s alpha is approved. Data analysis using Likert scale (five parts). And LISREL software, SPSS is. Data analysis showed a significant positive correlation between knowledge management component and environmental governance with variable performance management system Due to Innovation. Moreover environmental governance direct effect on the performance management system, Knowledge management has a direct impact on the performance management system, Environmental leadership has a direct effect on innovation, and Knowledge has a direct effect on innovation, Environmental leadership through innovation indirect effect on the performance management system, Knowledge management through innovation indirect effect on the performance management system.


Pages: 316-320
Shohreh Amini and Hasan Soltani (Department of Management, Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, Iran)