
The measure of academic stress on 10th class students

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Pages: 83-85
Sunita M. Watore (Department of Psychology, Art’s College, Nandurghat, Kaij, Beed, Maharashtra, India)

The present study of the effect the academic stress on 10th class students. The main objectives were to examine the academic frustration, academic conflict, academic pressure and academic anxiety among boys and girls. This study was completed on secondary school students in 10th standard. The fifty students were selected for the study. The randomly sampling method was used for the selection of the sample. Tool are Bisht battery of stress scales developed by Dr. (Km) Abha Rani Bisht was used for the study. The results were analyzed, and it was found that the there is a significant difference between boys and girls in terms of their, academic pressure, and academic anxiety level. Boys have high academic frustrated than girls, but girls have high academic pressure, academic conflict, and academic anxiety level. However, there is no significant difference between boy and girls on academic frustrated.


Pages: 83-85
Sunita M. Watore (Department of Psychology, Art’s College, Nandurghat, Kaij, Beed, Maharashtra, India)