The effect of training self-control and empathy according to spirituality on self-control and empathy preschool female students in Shiraz city
Tahere Salehi, Hassan Abdollahzadeh, and Babollah Bakhshipour Joybari (Department of Psychology, Payame Noor University (PNU) Sari, Iran)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of self-management and spiritual-empathy training on pre-school preschool self-management and empathy. The research method was semi-experimental with pre-test and post-test in two experimental and control groups. The statistical population of this study included all preschool children in Shiraz. For this purpose, preschoolers from Shiraz city were randomly selected from among the preschools and 30 children were selected as the control group as the statistical sample. After conducting self-management and empathy tests for 30 children, a self-management and empathy training program was implemented in 8 sessions of 30 minutes in the experimental group. Self-management and empathy of children in both groups before and after education with self-management and empathy questionnaire (coach form) Bozrgiwas measured. The multi-path and one-way covariance analysis test showed that self-management and spirituality-based empathy education has an impact on self-management and empathy of preschool children. In other words, self-management and spiritual-empowerment education leads to an increase in self-control and empathy in children and there is a significant difference between self-control and empathy between the two groups of experiment and control.
Tahere Salehi, Hassan Abdollahzadeh, and Babollah Bakhshipour Joybari (Department of Psychology, Payame Noor University (PNU) Sari, Iran)